There is a deep reciprocity and relatedness at the heart of the universe that has become veiled by patterns of separation in the human-earth relationship. In our programs for adults at the Center we have created an opening into this deeper reality.
We recognize, with Thomas Berry, that “we are living in a time of historic confusion in which the sacred story has been forgotten and must be remembered anew…We must shift from an entirely human centered view of our existence to a realization that the earth is a communion of subjects, a oneness of which we are all a part.”
The Inner Life of the Child in Nature: Presence and Practice
In the Inner Life of the Child in Nature: Presence and Practice Program, we were preparing for a deep psychic shift in the culture at large – one educator at a time. We believe that the change that is needed in our time cannot be achieved through sweeping movements, curriculum change, or further exchange of information. Read more here.
Presence with Living Earth
“We still have little understanding of the spiritual dimension within the natural world, or how our individual soul relates to the larger dimension of the world soul (what the ancients called the anima mundi)… Instead we are caught within a contemporary consciousness that focuses on the individual self, no longer even aware of our deep bond to the sacred within creation.
Offered from 2015-2020, our Presence with Living Earth program was designed as a contemplative experience with the natural world through a series of seasonal retreats that offered an opportunity to step beyond the confinement of the contemporary “individual self” into an awareness of our deep bond of intimacy with the sacred within creation.
In lieu of this program, we offer a collection of weekly meditations in support of a contemplative practice of Presence with Living Earth. We invite you to engage with this calendar of 52 meditations, which can be downloaded here.